Guest Walker: Rich Farr

I met Rich a few weeks ago when we were both covering a show at the Grand Annex. He was shooting video and I was shooting still photos. He’s a super nice guy who runs Master Communication on 7th Street and is starting up a brand new project in town called Radio San Pedro. Rich has spent most of his life working in the entertainment industry as a camera man, director, editor, developer…etc for major studios like Disney and even a government contract with NASA. Fate brought him here to San Pedro and he knows he’s home. So he wants more people to learn about what we already know, San Pedro is a great place to be! He wants to spread that message on a brand new internet radio station called Radio San Pedro. I am getting involved with Radio San Pedro, so the end of SPBXB is just the beginning of a new way for me to give you your San Pedro fix. Radio San Pedro is set to launch on Sunday May 2nd at midnight. The website will be up soon and that address is I hope we can really become the representative for this wonderful town on the airwaves.

As luck would have it, I was talking with Rich about Radio stuff and I mentioned getting him on a walk with me. It turns out that he lives right across Gaffey from where I was walking on Friday. I think it was meant to be.

2 Responses

  1. I was looking on FB and I was led somehow to ‘Radeo San Pedro’ on FB that turned out to have the icon “Radio San Pedro”.

    I don’t know if Rich is affiliated with the group. Here is the URL posted on their FB page to access their site.

    • That is the Radio San Pedro that I’m talking about. For some reason Facebook won’t let them have the name Radio San Pedro so Radeo it is. Everything is going live May 2nd.

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